It is recommended that those new to a rod, reel and line get to know their tools in a more controlled environment, where the boat is stationary at anchor. The depth is probably no more than 35m so the tide is less, so less weight is required.
You then fish on the seabed, which is generally broken rough ground or reef. Catches will include whiting, dogfish, ray, tope, spurdog, smoothhound and perhaps conger. Over winter, cod are also fished for in this way.
From £65 pp
For the more energetic and experienced angler, a day’s fishing in the many war wrecks off the South Coast promises catches of fine pollack, cod, ling and conger.
The former are usually taken when drifting across a wreck trailing artificial lures, whilst conger fishing entails anchoring up-tide of the wreck and fishing into it with baits. Tackle loss can be quite high whilst drifting, but the rewards can be much greater.
During the summer months, plenty of mackerel can be caught for bait on feathers outside of the Marina, before venturing further off to the fishing grounds. This can be supplemented by frozen squid and lugworm purchased in the Tackle Box on the quay, just above the boat’s berth in the Marina. Sometimes cuttlefish is available.
Best artificial baits for pollack and cod are usually red gills and perks, although different lures may produce good results. Experiment!
Brighton Diver does have the provision to hire out fishing tackle, please contact me for further information. If you’re looking for the best place to purchase tackle, why not visit our sponsors Daiwa Sports.
• A deposit of £200 is required for boat bookings. The balance is payable in cash on the day.
• For individuals £50 deposit is payable at the time of booking.
• In the event of bad weather we offer another date or refund.
• Please ring between 5pm and 6pm the evening before to check the weather is ok to go.
• Bait or Lures will need to be purchased separately and we can organise this on your behalf.
• The tackle shop adjacent to the boat opens at 0700 for you bait and tackle requirements.
• Boarding is 0715 for departure at 0730 (unless otherwise agreed or stated) for standard 8 hour fishing trips.
• FUEL SURCHARGE – due to rising diesel costs a fuel surcharge may apply to trips more than 20 miles offshore.
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From only £10, you can contribute to a great day out and lasting memories.